Flashbulb Memories

" Flashbulb Memories " examines and addresses the concept of flashbulb memories.
These are memories that are linked to an emotionally moving event.
The event is not stored exactly and precisely, so that details are generally not remembered. The memories are distorted in terms of time, place, circumstances and people. The strong emotions associated with the event remain in the memory and the recollection of it is maintained and overwritten by constant repetition. Distortions are likely, as the content of the story of the event changes through the repeated telling and remembering.
The photographs on which this series is based are overexposed and rasterized. The production process also involves, by chance, the shifting and blurring of the motif. This process breaks up and abstracts the representation of the motif, enabling the viewer to become part of a fictitious memory by adding to and overwriting missing parts.
Where parts have disappeared and nothing is visible, seeing begins.