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Last Drop 

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Last Drop 2021 installation dimension Variable sanitary napkins_ embroidery thread_ glass

The installation Last Drop thematizes the last drop of blood of female homo sapiens before they enter menopause. Once this state has occurred, the irretrievable phase of infertility begins for the female being. We humans know about this phase. And we also know that we use the fertile age for reproduction. 

For Last Drop, I used the activity of embroidery historically assigned to women. Using red embroidery thread, I embroidered a last drop on women‘s sanitary napkins and let it spill out into a precious red glass bead drop. On the back of each embroidered sanitary napkin, the original adhesive strip used for fastening has been removed and replaced with a fragile trans- lucent tissue paper strip printed with abstracted plant weaves. On the one hand, the sanitary napkins as catch-all items serve as a symbol of the fertile phases that take place in secret. On the other hand, they are also extreme disposable items, shown in the installation as representative of the thoughtless and careless use of our planet‘s resources. 

As interconnected, living beings, we are integrated on earth and beyond in a gigantic cosmos of fragile conditions that are interdependent and mutually dependent. The question of the conditions of fertility and consciousness arises as to how we must operate in specific time spans. We know through scientific research that our soils, which we ruthlessly exploit through monocultures, are becoming increasingly infertile. We are depriving ourselves of our own livelihood. Obviously, our thinking is still guided by a monoculture of profiteering, destroying our own „habitat“. My basic theme „interconnectedness“ has led me in this con- text to the Gaia - hypothesis, which was already developed in the 1970s by the scientist and biophysicist James Lovelock and the biologist Lynn Margulis. Named after the Greek god- dess of the earth, Gaia does not mean an esoteric being, but the scientifically based thesis that Gaia means living earth, the constant interaction and networking of all biosystems on this planet. This should result in the awareness that we as living beings on this earth are me- rely part of an enormous interconnected system and at the same time bear responsibility for the entire network. Symbiosis instead of overexploitation. Otherwise, if we are not mindful, we will miss the moment to turn back. 

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